October 21-23 

Santiago de Chile,  Chile

JIUTE 2024 -  Innovation in Educational Technology 

JIUTE is a multidisciplinary workshop open to everyone interested in the evolution that technological tools and new methodologies are promoting in education at all stages and levels.

The main objective is for participants to present and learn about works carried out in innovation with educational technology area, exchanging their experiences and sharing them with the rest of the academic and scientific community. Within the framework of this Conference, different sessions will be held around research and innovative practice with educational technology.


List of topics of interest, but are not limited to the following:


Alba García Barrera

Francisco David de la Peña Esteban

Lucas Castro Martínez

Verónica Nistal Anta

Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, Spain


Héctor Bedón, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, Spain

José María Díaz Nafría, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Alba García Barrera, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, Spain

Teresa Guarda, BITrum-Research Group, Portugal

Alexandra María León Jacobus, Universidad del Atlántico, Colombia

David Lizcano Casas, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, Spain

Silvia Prieto Preboste, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, Spain

Juan Ramón Rodríguez Fernández, Universidad de León, Spain

Isaac Seoane Pujol, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, Spain

Modestos Stavrakis, University of the Aegean, Greece

Datzania Villao Burgos, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador