ACMaSDA 2025 - Applications of Computational Mathematics to Simulation and Data Analysis
This workshop focuses on the applications of computational mathematics to simulation and data analysis in various fields of science and engineering. It seeks to highlight the potential of interdisciplinary interactions as a source of new knowledge.
Contributions with new research results involving computational mathematics, numerical methods, high performance computing, and their applications in different fields, such as fluid mechanics, mass and heat transfer, econophysics, weather forecasts, medical or biological processes are welcome.
List of topics of interest, but are not limited to the following:
Computation in earth sciences
Computational mechanics
Computing in healthcare and biosciences
Digital image processing
High performance computing
Numerical algorithms for computational science
Weather and environment forecast
Carlos Balsa, CEDRI-IPB, Portugal
Victoria Espinar, CITMaga - USC, Spain
Ronan Guivarch, IRIT-UFTMiP, France
Sílvio Gama, CMUP-UP, Portugal
Axel Carlier, UT-INP-IRIT, Toulouse, France
Carlos Veiga Rodrigues, Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Portugal
Ehouarn Simon, IRIT-UFTMiP, France
Francesco Paparella, NYU, Dubai
José Abílio Matos, CMUP–FEP, Portugal
José Rufino, CeDRI-IPB, Portugal
Maria João Rodrigues, CMUP-FCUP, Portugal
Mário Escudeiro, IPB, Portugal
Olivier Cots, IRIT-UFTMiP, France
Paulo Piloto, GICoS-IPB, Portugal
Paulo Vasconcelos, CMUP-FEP, Portugal
Roman Chertovskih, SYSTEC- FEUP, Portugal
Sandrine Mouysset, UT-UPS-IRIT, France