October 21-23
Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
glossaLAB 2025 - Bridging Knowledge in a Fragmented World
In the so-called “information era”, in which digital technologies are providing us extraordinary capabilities but a brand-new breadth of issues, scattered in fragmented challenges, we don't feel able to tame them just by means of these new capacities, though we are confident they should be a significant part of the coping with. The problem is indeed double-faced: on the one hand, we have to understand better what information is in its multiple aspects and contexts of application; on the other hand, we need to face the enormous flow of information, overcoming the information overloads and improving its quality in benefit of the resolution of problems at different levels, from individuals to organisations of different size and reach.
The glossaLAB Workshop invites researchers from all branches of knowledge to present and discuss interdisciplinary approaches aimed at putting information and its technologies at the service of building and integrating knowledge and tackling complex problems.
List of topics of interest include , but are not limited to the following:
Information Management
Information Technologies and Sustainability
Sustainable Information Management
Information Qualification
Interdisciplinary Science
Interdisciplinary Methodologies
Knowledge Integration
Knowledge Organisation
Knowledge Qualification
Knowledge Management
Knowledge Systems Management
Transdisciplinary Science
Interdisciplinary Education
José María Díaz-Nafría
Jorge Morato Lara
Sonia Sánchez-Cuadrado
Manuela Cañizares
Héctor Bedón
Isaac Seoane-Pujol
Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, Spain
Antonio J. Muñoz Montoro, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
Basil Al-Hadithi, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Fernando Rodríguez Varela, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Gerhard Chroust,Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Héctor Bedón,Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, Spain
Isaac Seoane Pujol, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, Spain
Jorge Morato Lara, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
José María Díaz Nafría, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Manuela Cañizares Espada,Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
María Gregori, Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Ecuador
María Verdeja Muñiz, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
Modestos Stavrakis, University of the Aegean, Greece
Simone Belli, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Sonia Sánchez Cuadrado, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Teresa Guarda, BITrum-Research Group, Portugal
Wolfgang Hofkirchner, Institute for a Global Sustainable Information Society, Austria